E10: A little break from our regularly scheduled program...

Hello, if anyone's reading this. This is gonna be a bit of an update about how I feel currently about the making of this website, and my writing process. As I'm currently writing this, I'm in the process of adding my May entries to the website. I am very bad at putting things out on time. I'm sure this will be a reoccuring theme.

So far, I've been having fun with writing these entries. They're not too far off from the entries I would write in my personal journal, but with a bit more polish, na szczęście.

*Haha* bad joke.

Anyhoot, I still have many topics in mind that I wanna write about, so I think this website will carry on for at least a bit longer, until the entertainment runs dry for me. One thing I have struggled with regarding my writing for a long time is that I quickly grow to hate things I wrote, not even a couple days after writing them. With most of my writings, I can simply shelf them in a Google Doc and not have to worry about them again, but since these are being published onto the internet, I'm immortalizing it in a way. It's taken a lot of willpower to not go back to previous entries and edit them to sound a bit less pretenious or stupid. I guess part of my goal with this site is for it to be a time capsule of my mindset during the times I write these entries, and so I shouldn't temper with them. Still, boy do I want to.

If you've been reading my previous (or future???) entries and you love them, you are strange. If you hate them, just remember that this is all for fun. I am not an expert in shit, just a person with a keyboard. I hope that my ramblings can provide some entertainment to people other than myself. If it's all super cringe and everyone hates it, I hope that at least it's bad in the way that "The Room" is bad, not bad in the way that soulless sequels are bad.

That's all for now. See ya.
